The Protocollo Grace is the result of intensive studies in recent years, a combined use of several technologies aimed at treating active Acne and significantly improving the inflammatory state and related scarring resulting from it.

Technologies evolve, as do medical treatments. In recent years, machines and medicines have been developed for the treatment of specific skin ailments or inflammation such as ACNE.

What is more important than feeling good about yourself?

Finding a balance with one’s appearance is important, and effective medical procedures can provide two positive effects: solving a physical problem and improving self-confidence.

As we all know, problems created by a major blemish have a very negative psychological impact.

When these problems are resolved the person immediately regains self-confidence and optimism in facing every day problems.

What is Protocollo Grace?

After several years of study, I was able to define a protocol that succeeds not only in stopping the bacterial proliferation of so-called p.acne (proponibacterium acnes), but at the same time improving scarring outcomes.

This is a completely innovative methodology with unique results.

Thus, the Protocollo Grace is able to treat the following skin disorders:

This type of treatment cannot be considered “definitive” as the body is naturally predisposed to the type of disease being treated, but through this protocol and proper maintenance, the patient’s condition can be effectively managed with significant and noticeable improvements.

How does it work?

Before the protocol can be performed, a medical history is of paramount importance because acne is a multifactorial skin condition.

In the first part of the visit, I perform a patient history, gathering all information regarding the patient’s history and lifestyle (diet, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, level of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, underlying pathologies, other cases in the family of dermatologic pathologies, medication intake) and the history of the pathology (onset and duration of the manifestation, characteristics of symptoms, etc.).

The history is a crucial step in my protocol because through specific questions it is possible to get to know the patient better and thus more easily identify the cause or so-called triggers, triggering factors that led to the pathology.

Investigating the cause and all possible factors is crucial to halting this bacterial overgrowth that often leaves scarring marks and outcomes.

In the second part of the Protocollo Grace I move on to examining the skin manifestations that prompted the patient to seek treatment and to determining whether the facial lesions are actually caused by acne or whether they are the result of another disorder (e.g., acne rosacea).

In the third part of the Protocollo Grace, I use state-of-the-art technology so that I can ensure that the patient receives painless treatment, without side effects or downtime (recovery time) so the patient can return to the routine of life immediately.

Quali sono queste tecnologie all’avanguardia?

These are advanced technologies, the proper use of which allows success in the “war” against acne bacteria but not only.

What is the goal of this technology?

Uccidere tutti i batteri presenti nelle ghiandole sebacee. Ridurre notevolmente le dimensioni delle ghiandole sebacee, limitando così la produzione di sebo e, di conseguenza, la proliferazione batterica.


The new skin that is generated is of better quality in three respects:

The color
The color, which becomes more homogeneous with the gradual fading of any blemishes
The Brightness
The luminosity, which gives a younger and healthier appearance to the skin.
Regularity of the surface
The regularity of the surface
The regularity of the surface, as the new collagen and elastic molecules, which are formed as a result of the treatment, form an adequate scaffolding that supports the surface of the skin, making it smoother to the touch.
Regularity of the surface

The goals and benefits of the Protocollo Grace:

The results achieved by my patients

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Do you want to start the Protocollo Grace?

Click now and book a visit with me to fight your problem together.